Empowering others to live a better life by sharing the truth of God.

Make a donation.

Donating to our ministry enables us to expand our reach and provide profound assistance to those in need. Your contribution directly supports our efforts to extend help, bringing about a deeper level of ministry to improve the lives of others.


Make it stand out.

It all begins with Truth. God can be understood as the ultimate, transcendent being who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving. This entity is believed to have created and governs the universe. Truth, on the other hand, can be seen as objective and eternal, representing the accurate understanding of reality or facts.

Mission Statement.

At Better Life Ministries, our mission is to grow God's kingdom and show people a better way of living. We aim to provide guidance and support to our congregation, helping them to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives. Through our church, we strive to spread the love and teachings of Jesus Christ, and foster a community that is welcoming and supportive to all. Our goal is to help people find their purpose, and to create a better world for all through faith, outreach, and service.
  • Robert Oliver


    Pastor Robert Oliver is a dedicated spiritual leader who guides and supports his congregation in their faith journey. He leads by example, demonstrating compassion, wisdom, and a strong commitment to spreading the love and teachings of God.

  • Sandra Oliver


    Sandra Oliver serves as the First Lady of our church, supporting and guiding our congregation with her dedication, grace, and inspiring leadership.

Materials for Learning

The materials we use to teach our congregation are firmly rooted in the principles of God. We strive to ensure that our teachings align with His word and reflect His wisdom, guidance, and values. By studying and applying these principles, we hope to inspire spiritual growth and foster a deeper understanding of God's plan for our lives.

Better Life Ministries,Food. Pantry

Better Life Ministries' Food Pantry and Community Garden is a haven for those seeking high-quality, free food and a welcoming atmosphere. The pantry generously offers free food on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Tuesday of every month, at their location in Menifee, Arkansas. Beyond simply providing food, Better Life Ministries creates a positive environment with great vibes and love for the community. The community garden is a great example of their commitment to sustainability and overall well-being for all who seek aid.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

